CITS1200 - Laboratory SessionsJava Programming Lab SessionsThere are twelve lab sessions, in Weeks 2-13. Three of the labs are to be submitted for marking. All submissions are done electronically using . The submission areas are named for each lab, so make sure you submit your code in the correct location. The assessed labs are worth 10% altogether. Lab SoftwareIn 2011 we will be using a UWA version of BlueJ with support for JUnit4 tests. This version is already installed in the labs.If you want to run BlueJ on your own computer, then make sure your downloadthe version from.There are more detailed installation instructionsone the page.Lab SubmissionsThe lab sheets are posted on this web page in the week before the week in which thelab is to be done. Read the lab sheet before the lab anddo any preparatory reading and work before your actual lab time.Labs must be submitted by the due date shown on this page and lab markswill be available for checking soon afterwards on.Extensions PolicyAll applications for special consideration must be received by the FECM office within three working days of the relevant deadline. All requests must be accompanied by appropriate documentary evidence. Plagiarism PolicyIn accordance with the departmental policy on plagiarism, the assessed labs are expected to be the sole effort of the student submitting the work. All submissions may be checked for similarity, and you may be asked to answer questions about your codeand/or reproduce your code under test conditions. Changing variablenames and/or the order of methods will not fool the similaritychecker, and will be treated as a deliberate attempt to evadedetection. All parties involved will be deemed equally responsible. | Lab Sheets Due by 11:59pm, Saturday 27 August 2011 (week 4)
- Three short exercises for Week 4
Due by 11:59pm, Saturday 10 September 2011 (week 6)
Due by 11:59pm, Saturday 24 September 2011 (week 8)
- Two practices exercises for the study break
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Solutions: -
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Due by 11:59pm, Saturday 5th November 2011 (week 13) -
| CRICOS Provider Code: 00126G | |