School of Computer Science & Software Engineering The University of Western Australia Crawley, Western Australia, 6009. CRICOS Provider Code: 00126G CITS3210 Algorithms Laboratory sheet 2 These exercises are worth 2.5% of your final grade and are due at 5pm, Friday August 31, 2012 Use the Graph, class provided on the unit web-page, to write a breadth-first search algorithm and depth first search algorithm for directed graphs (as described in the lecture notes). The interface Search is provided and you should implement it as a class SearchImp. You should complete the following methods: 1. The method getConnectedTree should output an array specifying the parent vertex for each vertex (or -1 if there is no parent), assuming a Breadth First Search. 2. The method getDistances should output an array specifying the distance each vertex is from the starting vertex, or -1 if it is not reachable. 3. In the method, getTimes you should, assuming a depth first search, output the start and finish times for each vertex.Given that the graph G has n vertices, the method getTimes(G) should return an n× 2 array of integers. For example. if a = getTimes(G) then the start time for vertex i is a[i][0] and the end time for vertex i is a[i][1]. 4. A Strongly Connected Component of a directed graph G is a set of vertices V where there is a path (of length 0 or more) from every vertex in V to every other vertex in V . A directed graph can be decomposed into its strongly connected components using depth- first search. The algorithm for finding strongly connected components in a directed graph can be summarized as follows: STRONGLY-CONNECTED-COMPONENT(G) 1. Call DFS(G) to compute the finishing time f [u] for each vertex u 2. Compute GT , where GT denotes the graph G having the directions of all its edges reversed 3. Call DFS(GT ), but in the main loop of DFS, consider the vertices in order of decreasing f [u] computed from Step 1 4. Output the vertices of each tree in the depth-first forest formed in Step 3 as a separate strongly connected component Implement this algorithm in the method getSCC(Graph g). This method should return a partition of the vertices in the graph. For example, given the graph below the algorithm should return the array {0,0,2,3,4,5} 1 which defines the strongly connected components (0,1), (2), (3), (4), (5). A test program, SearchTest, allows you to either read in a graph from a file, or generate a random graph on which to perform a breadth-first search. The class then prints out the array of parent vertices for the spanning tree, and their distances from the start vertex (assuming you have implemented the algorithms correctly). For specifying a program from the file you should use the following format for the input data file: 6 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 where the first line is the total number of vertices. The numbers from the second line onward are the entries of the n× n adjacency matrix. This corresponds to the graph: 0 1 5 423 You may assume that all the vertices are labelled as 0, 1, 2, · · · You may also assume that the matrix is unweighted, i.e. if there is an edge (i, j) in the graph then (i, j) = 1 otherwise (i, j) = 0 in the matrix. However, your program should work for both directed and undirected graphs. Note that as an automated marker is used you will not be able to include print statements, java.util classes etc in your implementation. However, a test class is available for your convenience. Submit only the file to There is an automated script that will compile and run your code, and estimate your final mark. This feedback ensures that you will not lose marks for small errors, but is no substitute for your own thorough testing. 2