
C C++ Java Python Processing编程在线培训 程序编写 软件开发 视频讲解

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CS 251: Intermediate Computer Programming
Tian Zhao
Fall 2016
Course Description: Problem solving with structured programming techniques and ob-
jects using an object-oriented programming language, including control structures, functions,
arrays, classes, standard data structures, graphical user interfaces, exceptions, and files.
Course Goals By the end of this semester, you will have the ability to implement object-
oriented applications of moderate complexity using Java language. You will be able to write
test cases to test and verify the correctness of your programs. You will be able to read,
modify, and extend existing Java programs.
Time and Location:
Lec 401 09/06 – 12/14 MW 10 – 10:50 am PHY 135
Lab 801-807 09/06 – 12/14 (see schedule) (see schedule)
Level: Undergraduate
Email: If you have email questions, please send to, which is
monitored by all teaching staff.
Instructor: Tian Zhao
Office: EMS 1145, Telephone: 414 229 5682, Email:,
Office hour: MW: noon – 1 PM or by appointment.
Name Email Lab
Benzaid, Zachary Lab 802, 807
Rostami, Reihaneh Lab 805, 806
Shatnawi, Ahmed Saleh Lab 801, 804
Ziman, Julian (John) Lab 803
Textbook: Dean & Dean, Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solv-
ing Approach, Second Edition, McGraw Hill (Higher Education), 2008. ISBN-13: 978-
Class Web Pages: We will use the d2l website located at Assign-
ments, announcements, and class notes will be posted on the course web page.
Items Percentage
Homework assignments 40%
Lab 20%
Quiz 10%
Midterm exam 15%
Final exam 15%
Homework and Programming Assignments: Number of homeworks and their due
dates are to be announced
Midterm and Final Exams:
Section 001
Midterm 10 – 10:50 AM Wednesday, Oct 19 Phy 135
Final 10 AM – noon Thursday, Dec 22 Phy 135
Course Schedules: The topics covered in this course are listed in the following tables.
Before each lecture, students should read the relevant sections in the book. The following
schedule is tentative and may be subject to changes.
Date Subject
week 1-2 Ch 1–4 Overview
week 3 Ch. 5, 9. String and Arrays
week 4 Ch 6, 7. Object-oriented programming
week 5 Ch 13. Aggregation, composition, and inheritance
week 6-7 Ch 14. Inheritance and polymorphism, midterm
week 8 Ch 10, 15. Array lists and exception handling
week 9-10 Ch 16. Files and paths
week 11-12 Ch 17. GUI - components and action listner
week 13-14 Ch 18. GUI - component layout and timers
Late policy: Late submissions to homework and lab assignments may be accepted before
solutions are posted. However, a 10% penalty per day will be assessed for late submissions.
Grading scale: Grades are assigned based on the scale:
points ≥ 90% A
80% ≤ points < 90% B
70% ≤ points < 80% C
60% ≤ points < 70% D
points < 60% F
Accessibility: If you will need accommodations in order to meet any of the requirements
of this course, please contact me as soon as possible.
Academic Misconduct: Student academic misconduct procedures are specified in Chap-
ter UWS 14 and the UWM implementation provisions (Faculty Document 1686).
Academic misconduct is an act in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or
efforts of another without authorization or citation, uses unauthorized materials or fabricated
data in any academic exercise, forges or falsifies academic documents or records, intentionally
impedes or damages the academic work of others, engages in conduct aimed at making false
representation of a student’s academic performance, or assists other students in any of these
Prohibited conduct includes cheating on an examination; collaborating with others in
work to be presented, contrary to the stated rules of the course; submitting a paper or as-
signment as one’s own work when a part or all of the paper or assignment is the work of
another; submitting a paper or assignment that contains ideas or research of others without
appropriately identifying the sources of those ideas; stealing examinations or course mate-
rials; submitting, if contrary to the rules of a course, work previously presented in another
course; tampering with the laboratory experiment or computer program of another student;
knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above, including assis-
tance in an arrangement whereby any work, classroom performance, examination or other
activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name
the work is submitted or performed.