Proposed Lab Fees For Academic Year 2022‐23 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year ACG2021C Principles of Financial Accounting 33$ 33$ ‐$ ACG2030C Capstone Review Course of Accounting Principles 33$ 33$ ‐$ ACG2071C Principles of Managerial Accounting 33$ 33$ ‐$ ACG2100C Intermediate Accounting I 33$ 33$ ‐$ ACG2110C Intermediate Accounting II 33$ 33$ ‐$ ACG2360C Cost Accounting 33$ 33$ ‐$ ACG2450C Computer Accounting 33$ 33$ ‐$ ACG2460C Spreadsheets for Accounting 33$ 33$ ‐$ AOM1461C Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture 82$ 82$ ‐$ AOM2012C Types & Systems of Agriculture Operations 82$ 82$ ‐$ APA1111C Basic Accounting 33$ 33$ ‐$ ARC1201C Theory of Architecture 31$ 31$ ‐$ ARC1301C Architectural Design I 31$ 31$ ‐$ ARC1302C Architectural Design II 31$ 31$ ‐$ ARC2180C Introduction to Digital Architecture 73$ 73$ ‐$ ARC2303C Architectural Design III 51$ 51$ ‐$ ARC2304C Architectural Design IV 51$ 51$ ‐$ ART1201C Design I 28$ 28$ ‐$ ART1203C Design II 28$ 28$ ‐$ ART1300C Drawing I 28$ 28$ ‐$ ART1301C Drawing II 36$ 36$ ‐$ ART2330C Life Drawing 154$ 154$ ‐$ ART2400C Printmaking I 28$ 28$ ‐$ ART2401C Printmaking II 28$ 28$ ‐$ ART2500C Painting I 68$ 68$ ‐$ ART2501C Painting II 68$ 68$ ‐$ ART2701C Sculpture I 90$ 90$ ‐$ ART2750C Ceramics I 97$ 97$ ‐$ ART2751C Ceramics II 97$ 97$ ‐$ BCN1303C Building Information Modeling (Revit W/ Dynamo) 23$ 23$ ‐$ BCN2405 Statics and Strength of Materials ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ BCN2721C Construction Scheduling and Management 28$ 28$ ‐$ BCT2770C Building Construction Estimating 28$ 28$ ‐$ BOT2010C Botany 82$ 82$ ‐$ BOT2501C Plant Physiology 82$ 82$ ‐$ BSC1005C Biological Science Combined 68$ 68$ ‐$ BSC1005H Biological Science Combined 68$ 68$ ‐$ BSC1005L Biological Science Combined 68$ 68$ ‐$ BSC1010C General Biology I 59$ 59$ ‐$ BSC1010H General Biology I 59$ 59$ ‐$ BSC1011C General Biology II 103$ 103$ ‐$ BSC1011H General Biology II 103$ 103$ ‐$ BSC1020C Human Biology Combined ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ BSC1421C Introduction to Biotechnology 112$ 112$ ‐$ BSC2093C Human Anatomy and Physiology I 42$ 42$ ‐$ Page 1 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year BSC2094C Human Anatomy and Physiology II 45$ 45$ ‐$ BSC2423C Protein Biotechnology and Cell Culture 200$ 200$ ‐$ BSC2426C Biotechnology Methods I 136$ 136$ ‐$ BSC2427C Biotechnology Methods II 192$ 192$ ‐$ CEN3024C Software Development I 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4025C Software Development II 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4333C Advanced Database Development 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4350C Open Source Web Technologies 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4360C Mobile Device Software Development 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4370C .Net Software Development Using C# 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4802C Software Integration, Configuration, and Testing 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4910C Software Development Project 42$ 42$ ‐$ CEN4930C Seminar in Advanced Software Development 42$ 42$ ‐$ CET1610C Cisco Router Technology 36$ 36$ ‐$ CET2112C Digital Systems I 67$ 67$ ‐$ CET2113C Digital Systems II 78$ 78$ ‐$ CET2123C Fundamentals of Microprocessors 67$ 67$ ‐$ CET2178C Computer Hardware 67$ 67$ ‐$ CET2179C A+ Concepts (Software) ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ CET2486C Local Area Networks 67$ 67$ ‐$ CET2544C Computer Virtualization Technology 36$ 36$ ‐$ CET2588 Network + ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ CET2615C Routing & Switching in the Enterprise 53$ 53$ ‐$ CET2620C Wan Architecture & Perimeter Security 53$ 53$ ‐$ CET2660C Linux Networking and Security 53$ 53$ ‐$ CET2675C Voice Over IP 71$ 71$ ‐$ CET2792C Installing And Configuring Windows Server 71$ 71$ ‐$ CET2793C Administering Windows Server 50$ 50$ ‐$ CET2794C Configure Advanced Windows Server Services 71$ 71$ ‐$ CET2795 Designing MS 2003 Directory ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ CET2830C Information Security 53$ 53$ ‐$ CET2854C Wireless Networks ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ CET2880C Digital Forensics I 50$ 50$ ‐$ CET2881C Digital Forensics II 132$ 132$ ‐$ CET2890C Network Infrastructure Security 36$ 36$ ‐$ CET2892C Ethical Hacking 53$ 53$ ‐$ CET2894C Projects in Cyber Security: Capstone Course 50$ 50$ ‐$ CET3136C Logic Devices Programming 64$ 64$ ‐$ CET3464C Software Applications in Engineering Technology 76$ 76$ ‐$ CET4126C Microprocessor Programming 92$ 92$ ‐$ CET4190C Digital Signal Processing 57$ 57$ ‐$ CET4367C Microcontroller Devices 61$ 61$ ‐$ CET4370C Advanced Programming Applications 64$ 64$ ‐$ CGS1060C Introduction to Computers 66$ 66$ ‐$ CGS2091C Social, Legal and Ethical Issues in Information Technology 66$ 66$ ‐$ CGS2100C Computer Fundamentals and Applications 66$ 66$ ‐$ CGS2510C Spreadsheet Applications for Business 66$ 66$ ‐$ CGS2545C Database Management Systems 66$ 66$ ‐$ Page 2 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year CGS2786C Web Development Tools 66$ 66$ ‐$ CHM1025C Introduction to General Chemistry 103$ 103$ ‐$ CHM1045C General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis I 75$ 75$ ‐$ CHM1045H General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis I 75$ 75$ ‐$ CHM1046C General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis II 97$ 97$ ‐$ CHM1046H General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis II 97$ 97$ ‐$ CHM2210C Organic Chemistry I 132$ 132$ ‐$ CHM2211C Organic Chemistry II 140$ 140$ ‐$ CIS2910C IT Capstone 66$ 66$ ‐$ CIS3304C Management Information Systems 42$ 42$ ‐$ CNT2413C Network Forensics & Incident Response 50$ 50$ ‐$ CNT2414C Cybercrime Investigation 50$ 50$ ‐$ CNT2417C Identity Security 53$ 53$ ‐$ CNT2426C Cloud Infrastructure Security 50$ 50$ ‐$ COP1000C Introduction to Programming Concepts 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP1332C Visual Basic Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP1812C Xml and Web Services 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2220C C Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2222C Advanced C Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2224C C++ Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2341C Linux Shell Scripting 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2360C C# Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2362C Advanced C# Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2654C Ios App Development 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2660C Android App Development 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2800C Java Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2805C Advanced Java Programming 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2822C Web Site Development 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2830C Scripting Languages 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP2833C PHP and MYSQL 66$ 66$ ‐$ COP3275C C/C++ Programming for Engineering Technology 77$ 77$ ‐$ COP3330C Object Oriented Programming 42$ 42$ ‐$ COT2104C Foundations of Discrete Mathematics 66$ 66$ ‐$ CPT1205C Principles of Cardio Tech ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ CTS1120C Introduction to Network Security 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS1131C Computer Maintenance Essentials 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS1134C Network Essentials 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS1142C Information Technology Project Management 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS1155C Introduction to Customer Service and Help Desk Concepts 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS1163C Microsoft Windows 7 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS2144C Mobile Device Essentials 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS2145C Cloud Essentials 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS2317C Advanced Network Security 66$ 66$ ‐$ CTS2321C Linux System Administration ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ CTS2322C Red Hat Enterprise Linux 53$ 53$ ‐$ CTS2433C SQL Server Database and Implementation 66$ 66$ ‐$ CVT1000C Introduction to Cardiovascular Technology 25$ 25$ ‐$ CVT1205C Cardiovascular Pharmacology & ECG Management 38$ 38$ ‐$ Page 3 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year CVT1260C Invasive Cardiology I: Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology 42$ 42$ ‐$ CVT1840L Cardiovascular Clinical Practicum I 11$ 11$ ‐$ CVT1841L Cardiovascular Clinical Practicum II 84$ 84$ ‐$ CVT2211C Critical Care Applications 44$ 44$ ‐$ CVT2420C Invasive Cardiology II 30$ 30$ ‐$ CVT2421C Invasive Cardiology III 58$ 58$ ‐$ CVT2426C Advanced Cardiovascular Concepts 38$ 38$ ‐$ CVT2620C Non‐Invasive Cardiology II 18$ 18$ ‐$ CVT2842L Cardiovascular Clinical Practicum III 324$ 324$ ‐$ CVT2843L Cardiovascular Clinical Practicum IV 294$ 294$ ‐$ CVT2844L Cardiovascular Clinical Practicum V 294$ 294$ ‐$ DAA1100C Modern Dance I 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA1101C Modern Dance II 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA1104C Modern Dance I for Pre‐Majors 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA1105C Modern Dance II for Pre‐Majors 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA1160C Modern Dance III for Pre‐Majors 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA1200C Ballet I 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA1201C Ballet II 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA1204C Ballet I for Pre‐Majors 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA1205C Ballet II for Pre‐Majors 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA1220C Pointe I 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA1221C Pointe II 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA1330C African Dance I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ DAA1331C African Dance II ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ DAA1520C Tap I 50$ 50$ ‐$ DAA1521C Tap II 50$ 50$ ‐$ DAA1650C Dance Production 230$ 230$ ‐$ DAA1680C Repertory I for Pre‐Majors 195$ 195$ ‐$ DAA1681C Repertory II for Pre‐Majors 195$ 195$ ‐$ DAA2102C Intermediate Modern Dance I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ DAA2103C Intermediate Modern Dance II ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ DAA2106C Intermediate Modern Dance I for Pre‐Majors 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA2107C Intermediate Modern Dance II for Pre‐Majors 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA2202C Intermediate Ballet I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ DAA2203C Intermediate Ballet II ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ DAA2206C Ballet III for Pre‐Majors 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA2207C Intermediate Ballet I for Pre‐Majors 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA2219C Intermediate Ballet II for Pre‐Majors 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA2500C Jazz Dance I 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA2501C Jazz Dance II 90$ 90$ ‐$ DAA2610C Dance Composition & Improvisation I for Pre‐Majors 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA2611C Dance Composition & Improvisation II for Pre‐Majors 48$ 48$ ‐$ DAA2662L Performance Ensemble:Valencia Dance Theatre 76$ 76$ ‐$ DAA2682C Performance Ensemble: Valencia Dance Theatre for Pre‐Majors 176$ 176$ ‐$ DAA2930 Selected Topics in Dance 138$ 138$ ‐$ DEH1003L Dental Hygiene Instrumentation 575$ 575$ ‐$ DEH1800L Clinical Dental Hygiene I 725$ 725$ ‐$ DEH1802L Dental Hygiene II 175$ 175$ ‐$ Page 4 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year DEH2804L Clinical Dental Hygiene III 225$ 225$ ‐$ DEH2806L Clinical Dental Hygiene IV 300$ 300$ ‐$ DES1020L Dental Anatomy Lab 25$ 25$ ‐$ DES1100L Dental Materials Lab 75$ 75$ ‐$ DES1200L Dental Radiography Laboratory 150$ 150$ ‐$ DES1800L Introduction to Clinical Procedures Lab 75$ 75$ ‐$ DIG1102C Introduction to Web Programming 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG1108C Introduction to Server‐Side Programming 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG1452C Announcing and Performance for Multimedia 63$ 63$ ‐$ DIG1631C Digital Industry Practices 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG1940 Professional Development for Digital Media 19$ 19$ ‐$ DIG2000C Intro to Digital Media & Design 121$ 121$ ‐$ DIG2030C Digital Video and Sound 117$ 117$ ‐$ DIG2092C Ethics of Web Development 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG2100C Web Essentials 5$ 5$ ‐$ DIG2101C Advanced Web Essentials 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG2106C Advanced Client‐Side Programming 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG2107C Advanced Server‐Side Programming 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG2109C Digital Imaging Fundamentals 68$ 68$ ‐$ DIG2132C Digital Drawing and Design 68$ ‐$ 68$ new course DIG2170C Web Application Development 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG2180C Intermediate Client‐Side Programming 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG2282C Visual Media Essentials 68$ 68$ ‐$ DIG2284C Advanced Digital Video and Sound 187$ 187$ ‐$ DIG2291C Advanced Audio Visual Technology 121$ 121$ ‐$ DIG2292C Digital Post‐Production 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG2302C Introduction to 3D Motion Graphics 162$ 162$ ‐$ DIG2312C Introduction to Actionscript 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG2317C Advanced Actionscript 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG2341C Introduction to Motion Graphics 43$ 43$ ‐$ DIG2342C Advanced Motion Graphics 31$ 31$ ‐$ DIG2430C Digital Storytelling 68$ 68$ ‐$ DIG2431C Advanced Digital Storytelling 31$ 31$ ‐$ DIG2500C Fundamentals of Interactive Design 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG2561C Project Management for Digital Media 59$ 59$ ‐$ DIG2562C Introduction to Content Management Systems 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG2564C Advanced Content Management Systems 48$ 48$ ‐$ DIG2580C Digital Media Portfolio Review 79$ 79$ ‐$ DIG2822C Video Journalism 227$ 227$ ‐$ DIG2950C Digital Media Project 63$ 63$ ‐$ EAP0281C High Beginning Combined Skills for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0300C Low Intermediate Speaking and Listening for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0320C Low Intermediate Reading for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0340C Low Intermediate Composition for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0360C Low Intermediate Grammar for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0381C Low Intermediate Combined Skills for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0400C Intermediate Speaking and Listening for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0420C Intermediate Reading for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ Page 5 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year EAP0440C Intermediate Composition for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP0460C Intermediate Structure for English Language Learners 22$ 22$ ‐$ EAP1500C High Intermediate Speaking and Listening for English Language Learners 28$ 28$ ‐$ EAP1520C High Intermediate Reading for English Language Learners 28$ 28$ ‐$ EAP1540C High Intermediate Composition for English Language Learners 28$ 28$ ‐$ EAP1560C High Intermediate Grammar for English Language Learners 28$ 28$ ‐$ EAP1585C High Intermediate Integrated Writing and Grammar for English Language Learners 33$ 33$ ‐$ EAP1586C High Intermediate Integrated Reading, Speaking, & Listening for English Language 33$ 33$ ‐$ EAP1620C Advanced Reading for English Language Learners 29$ 29$ ‐$ EAP1640C Advanced Composition for English Language Learners 29$ 29$ ‐$ EAP2930 Selected Topics in English as a Second Language ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EET1015C Fundamentals of DC Circuits 93$ 93$ ‐$ EET1025C Fundamentals of AC Circuits 84$ 84$ ‐$ EET1036C Fundamentals of DC and AC Circuits ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EET1084C Fundamentals of Electronics 25$ 25$ ‐$ EET1141C Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 90$ 90$ ‐$ EET1214C Introduction to Engineering Technology 90$ 90$ ‐$ EET2142C Integrated Circuits 90$ 90$ ‐$ EET2325C RF Communication 93$ 93$ ‐$ EET2365C Wireless and Data Communications 30$ 30$ ‐$ EET3081C Circuit Analysis I 82$ 82$ ‐$ EET3086C Circuit Analysis II 82$ 82$ ‐$ EET3329C Communication Systems 107$ 107$ ‐$ EET4158C Linear Integrated Circuits and Systems 41$ 41$ ‐$ EET4359C Digital Communication ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EET4390C Acoustics and Audio Technology ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EET4391C Audio Electronics ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EET4392C Digital Audio Signal Processing ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EET4397C Audio Software and Programming Applications ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EGN1007C Engineering Concepts & Methods 39$ 39$ ‐$ EGN1111C Engineering Computer Graphics ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EGS1130C Descriptive Geometry ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ EMS1119L Fundamentals of Emergency Medical Technology Practice 113$ 113$ ‐$ EMS1431L Emergency Medical Technician Clinical Practicum 76$ 76$ ‐$ EMS2603L Paramedic I Laboratory 467$ 467$ ‐$ EMS2604L Paramedic II Laboratory 274$ 274$ ‐$ EMS2605L Paramedic III Laboratory 210$ 210$ ‐$ EMS2659L Paramedic IV (Provisional Field Internship) 92$ 92$ ‐$ EMS2666L Paramedic I Clinical 90$ 90$ ‐$ ENY1002C Principles of Entomology 82$ 82$ ‐$ ETC1251C Engineering Materials and Processes 26$ 26$ ‐$ ETD1031C Introduction to Construction/Drafting Technology 59$ 59$ ‐$ ETD1103C Engineering Graphics With Cad 66$ 66$ ‐$ ETD1340C Advanced Cadd 66$ 66$ ‐$ ETD1701C Mechanical Drafting I 59$ 59$ ‐$ ETD2355C 3‐D Cadd 66$ 66$ ‐$ ETD2371C Introduction to 3D Printing 59$ 59$ ‐$ ETD2372C Advanced Rapid Prototyping 59$ 59$ ‐$ Page 6 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year ETD2614C Electromechanical Drafting 59$ 59$ ‐$ ETD2731C Mechanical Drafting II 59$ 59$ ‐$ ETI4448C Applied Project Management 42$ 42$ ‐$ ETM1600C Automation and Controls Fundamentals 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM1601C HVAC Systems and Devices 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM1602C Automated Electrical Systems and Devices 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM1603C Automation and Controls Design through Commissioning 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM1604C Energy Management Concepts 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM1605C EMCT Integration ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETM2605C Automation and Controls Integration 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM2606C Programming Building Automation Systems 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM2607C Troubleshooting Automation and Control Systems 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM2608C Automated Building Operations 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETM2609C Capstone in Energy Management and Controls Technology 64$ 64$ ‐$ ETP2402C Photovoltaic Systems ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETP4240C Power Electronics 53$ 53$ ‐$ ETS1210C Introduction to Photonics 78$ 78$ ‐$ ETS1603C Fundamentals of Robotics and Simulation 78$ 78$ ‐$ ETS1610C Principles of Virtual Reality ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETS2220C Introduction to Fiber Optics 66$ 66$ ‐$ ETS2221C Introduction to Electro‐Optical Devices 84$ 84$ ‐$ ETS2230C Introduction to Lasers 66$ 66$ ‐$ ETS2275C Modeling and Simulation ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETS2511C Electromechanical Systems 59$ 59$ ‐$ ETS2542C Programmable Logic Controllers I 78$ 78$ ‐$ ETS2544C Programmable Logic Controllers II 71$ 71$ ‐$ ETS2604C Robotics Applications 70$ 70$ ‐$ ETS4216C Geometrical and Wave Optics ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETS4217C Optical Engineering and Lens Design ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETS4228C Optical Detectors and Systems ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETS4236C Laser Engineering Design ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETS4256C Optical Communication Systems ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ETS4280C Advanced Electro‐Optical Devices ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ FAS2010C Principles of Aquaculture 82$ 82$ ‐$ FFP2610C Fire Cause and Origin Determination 24$ 24$ ‐$ FFP2810 Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategy I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ FFP2811 Fire Fighting Tactics & Strategy II ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ FIL2421C Film Production I 260$ 260$ ‐$ FIL2432C Film Production II 260$ 260$ ‐$ FIL2438C Film Production III 260$ 260$ ‐$ FIL2450C Film Gripping 260$ 260$ ‐$ FIL2505C Film Lighting 260$ 260$ ‐$ FIL2537C Film Sound 260$ 260$ ‐$ FIL2552C Film Editing 260$ 260$ ‐$ FIL2580C Film Camera Techniques 260$ 260$ ‐$ FSS1050C Baking Indgredients and Technology 84$ 84$ ‐$ FSS1052C Specialty Breads 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS1068C Enriched Artisan Bread 174$ 174$ ‐$ Page 7 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year FSS1075C Rustic Artisan Breads 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS1203C Quantity Food Production 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS1206C Quantity Food Production for Hospitality & Restaurant Managers 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS1240C Classical Cuisine 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS1246C Baking and Pastries I 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2052C Whole Grain Artisan Breads 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2054C Cookies, Tarts and Friandises 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2055C Contemporary Cakes and Desserts 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2056C Pastry Techniques 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2057C Individual and Production Pastries 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2058C Confectionary Art and Principles of Design 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2059C Chocolates and Confections 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2060C Restaurant and Production Desserts 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2061C Basic and Classical Cakes and Pastries 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2068C Global Artisan Breads 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2074C Sourdough Artisan Breads 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2080C Complex Cake Decorating 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2081C Advanced Cake Decorating 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2082C Specialty Cakes 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2083C Sugar, Sculpting, and String Work 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2204C Quantity Food Production II 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2205C Quantity Food Production III 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2242C International and Regional Foods 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2247C Baking and Pastries II 174$ 174$ ‐$ FSS2248C Garde‐Manger 174$ 174$ ‐$ GLY2010C Physical Geology 54$ 54$ ‐$ GRA1142C Graphic Design Essentials 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA1180C Portfolio Prep 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA1203C Layout, Design and Copy Preparation 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA1206C Fundamentals of Typography 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA1933C Fundamentals of Creative Thinking 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA1951C Portfolio Review 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA1956C Phoenix Design Project 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2113C Advanced Graphic Design I 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2121C Publication Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2132C Advanced Interactive Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2133C Intermediate Web Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2134C Advanced Interactive Design II 117$ ‐$ 117$ new course GRA2141C Web Page Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2143C Advanced Web Page Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2151C Illustrating 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2156C Vector Illustration 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2160C Computer Animation 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2182C Advanced Graphic Design II 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2201C Electronic Imaging 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2207C Advanced Image Editing 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2225C Advanced Typography 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2310C Graphic Reproduction Processes 117$ 117$ ‐$ Page 8 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year GRA2585C User Interface Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2723C CSS Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2724C Advanced CSS Design 117$ 117$ ‐$ GRA2755C Web Development for Designers 117$ 117$ ‐$ HFT2021C Beer, Wine, and Beverage Essentials 118$ 118$ ‐$ HFT2861C Beverage Management and Service ‐$ 118$ (118)$ replaced by HFT2872C HFT2867C Wine Essentials 103$ 103$ ‐$ HFT2872C Beverage Management and Service 118$ ‐$ 118$ new course replacing HFT2861C HIM1800L Professional Practice Experience ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ HIM2222C Basic ICD Coding ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ HIM2729C Advanced ICD Coding and Reimbursement ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ HIM2810L Professional Practice Experience II ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ HIM2820L Professional Practice Experience III ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ HLP1081C Fitness and Wellness for Life I 28$ 28$ ‐$ HLP1093 Meditation for Stress Management ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ HLP2550C Concepts of Personal Training 33$ 33$ ‐$ HOS2005C Principles of Hydroponics 82$ 82$ ‐$ HSC1180 Tai Chi ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ HSC1400C First Aid and CPR 20$ 20$ ‐$ IPM1301C Survey of Pest Control 82$ 82$ ‐$ IPM2011C Diagnostics Techniques for Plant Problems 82$ 82$ ‐$ JOU2100C News Reporting 6$ 6$ ‐$ LDE1000C Landscape Design and Implementation 82$ 82$ ‐$ MAT0018C Developmental Mathematics I 61$ 61$ ‐$ MAT0018N Developmental Mathematics I 61$ 61$ ‐$ MAT0022C Developmental Mathematics Combined 61$ 61$ ‐$ MAT0028C Developmental Mathematics II 61$ 61$ ‐$ MAT0028N Developmental Mathematics II 61$ 61$ ‐$ MAT1033C Intermediate Algebra 61$ 61$ ‐$ MCB2010C Microbiology 104$ 104$ ‐$ MMC2126C Radio and Podcasting 37$ 37$ ‐$ MUC1211 Applied Music Composition 148$ 148$ ‐$ MUC2000C Composition and Songwriting I and II 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM1002C Fundamentals of Sound 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM1003L Digital Audio Workstation for Non‐Majors ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ MUM1620L Psychoacoustics & Critical Listening Skills 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM1642L Foley and Sound Design 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM1646C Dialogue Editing and Voice Processing 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM1660L Location Sound 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM1662C Live Sound Techniques 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2601L Sound Recording Lab I 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2602L Sound Recording Lab II 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2623C Midi Electronic Music I 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2630C Sound for Media 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2632L Audio Systems Design and Maintenance 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2634L The Digital Audio Workstation 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2637L Introduction to Video Game and VR Sound 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2640C Post Production Sound 130$ 130$ ‐$ Page 9 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year MUM2645L Mastering Techniques 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2663C Sound Recording I 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2664C Sound Recording II 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2670C Avid ProTools 101/110 Fundamentals 130$ ‐$ 130$ new course MUM2671C Avid ProTools 201/210M Music Production 130$ ‐$ 130$ new course MUM2672C Avid ProTools 130 for Video Game Sound 130$ ‐$ 130$ new course MUM2678L Mixing Techniques 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUM2683C Avid ProTools 210/210P for Post Production 130$ ‐$ 130$ new course MUM2721 Business Of Music II: Entrepreneurship and Freelancing ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ MUM2790L Music Production 130$ 130$ ‐$ MUO2001 Opera and Music Theatre Workshop 125$ 125$ ‐$ MUS2360C Midi Electronic Music I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ MUS2361C Midi Electronic Music II ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ MVB1011 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1012 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1013 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1014 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1015 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1211 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB1212 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB1213 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB1214 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB1215 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB1311 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1312 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1313 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1314 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB1315 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB2221 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB2222 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB2223 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB2224 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB2225 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVB2321 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB2322 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB2323 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB2324 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVB2325 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVK1011 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVK1111C Piano Class for Music Majors 1 12$ 12$ ‐$ MVK1112C Piano Class for Music Majors II 12$ 12$ ‐$ MVK1121C Piano Class for Music Majors III 12$ 12$ ‐$ MVK1122C Piano Class for Music Majors IV 12$ 12$ ‐$ MVK1211 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVK1213 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVK1311 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVK1811 Piano Class I and II 12$ 12$ ‐$ MVK2221 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ Page 10 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year MVK2321 Piano Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVP1011 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVP1211 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVP1311 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVP2221 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVP2321 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1011 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1012 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1013 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1014 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1016 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1017 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1211 A/M Sec Violin 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS1212 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS1213 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS1214 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS1216 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS1217 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS1311 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1312 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1313 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1314 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1316 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS1317 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS2221 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS2222 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS2223 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS2224 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS2226 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS2227 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVS2321 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS2322 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS2323 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS2324 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS2326 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVS2327 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVV1011 Apl Music‐Voice 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVV1111 Voice Class ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ MVV1211 A/M Sec Voice 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVV1311 Prfrm‐Voice 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVV2221 A/M Sec Voice 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVV2321 Prfrm‐Voice 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1011 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1012 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1013 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1014 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1015 Pre‐Freshman Applied Music 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1211 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ Page 11 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year MVW1212 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW1213 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW1214 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW1215 Secondary Applied Music I and II 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW1311 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1312 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1313 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1314 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW1315 Performance I and II 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW2221 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW2222 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW2223 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW2224 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW2225 Secondary Applied Music III and IV 114$ 114$ ‐$ MVW2321 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW2322 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW2323 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW2324 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ MVW2325 Performance III and IV 148$ 148$ ‐$ NUR1000C Transition into Professional Nursing Concepts 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR1003C Transition Into Professional Nursing 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR1020C Introduction to Professional Nursing and Health Care Concepts 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR1021C Nursing I 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR1032C Nursing II 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR1060C Health Assessment Across the Lifespan ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ NUR1061C Health and Illness Concepts of Physical and Health Assessment 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR1141C Health and Illness Concepts of Pharmacology in Nursing 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR1401C Nursing III 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2204C Nursing IV 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2210C Concepts of Adult Health I 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2211C Adult Health Nursing 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2216C Concepts of Adult Health II 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2221C Health and Illness Concepts of Adult Health I 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2223C Health and Illness Concepts of Adult Health II 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2244C Advanced Adult Health Nursing 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2310C Health and Illness Concepts of Pediatric Nursing 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2313C Maternal Child Nursing 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2420C Health and Illness Concepts of Reproductive and Sexual Health 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2440C Concepts of Maternal Child Health 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2500C Concepts of Mental Health Illness 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2522C Health and Illness Concepts of Mental Health 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2733C Professional Nursing and Health Care Concepts II 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2801C Patient Care Management Practicum 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2811L Transition to Professional Nursing Practice 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2823C Nursing V 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2832L Nursing VI 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2889C Concepts of Patient Care Management & Leadership Practicum 68$ 68$ ‐$ NUR2930 Selected Topics In Nursing 68$ 68$ ‐$ Page 12 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year ORH1234C Ornamental Plant Maintenance 82$ 82$ ‐$ ORH1510C Ornamental Plant Materials I 82$ 82$ ‐$ ORH1511C Ornamental Plant Materials II 82$ 82$ ‐$ ORH1873C Interiorscaping ‐ Design and Maintenance 82$ 82$ ‐$ ORH2251C Nursery Operation and Management 82$ 82$ ‐$ ORH2260C Greenhouse Operations and Management 82$ 82$ ‐$ ORH2840C Landscape Construction 82$ 82$ ‐$ OST1100C Keyboarding and Document Processing I 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1108C Building Keyboarding Speed and Accuracy 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1110C Keyboarding and Document Processing II 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1141C Computer Keyboarding 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1257C Medical Terminology for Office 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1320C Ten Key Mastery 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1335C Business Communications 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1355C Records Management and Legal Implications 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1461C Medical Office Simulation 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1467C Introduction to Body Systems for OST 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1611C Medical Transcription I 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1746C Food Service Computer Applications 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST1755C Microsoft Word ‐ Introduction 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2120C Office Administration Simulation 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2450C ICD Coding I 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2452C Advanced ICD‐9 Coding 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2453C CPT‐4 Medical Coding 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2454C Advanced CPT‐4 Medical Coding 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2464C Medisoft (Office Management Software) 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2466C Capstone Simulation for Coding 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2501C Office Management 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2612C Medical Transcription II 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2756C Microsoft Word 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2813C Desktop Publishing 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2828C Microsoft Powerpoint (Presentation Software) 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2831C Microsoft Windows 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2836C Microsoft Access (Database Management) 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2852C Microsoft Excel ‐ Introductory 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2854C Microsoft Office (Applications Package) 59$ 59$ ‐$ OST2858C Microsoft Excel 59$ 59$ ‐$ PEL1121 Golf I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PEL1321C Volleyball I 11$ 11$ ‐$ PEL1341C Tennis I 11$ 11$ ‐$ PEL1342C Tennis II 11$ 11$ ‐$ PEL1621C Basketball I 10$ 10$ ‐$ PEL2122 Golf II ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PEL2322 Volleyball II 11$ 11$ ‐$ PEL2622C Basketball II 10$ 10$ ‐$ PEM1121C Yoga ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PEM1131C Strength Training I 28$ 28$ ‐$ PEM1132C Strength Training II 28$ 28$ ‐$ Page 13 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year PEM1171 Dance Aerobics ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PEM1176C Kickboxing 10$ 10$ ‐$ PEM1405 Self Defense for Women ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PEM1441 Karate I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PEM2104C Personal Fitness and Wellness 19$ 19$ ‐$ PEM2177C Kickboxing II 10$ 10$ ‐$ PEM2443 Tae Kwon Do ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PEN1136C Scuba Training 78$ 78$ ‐$ PET2622C Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries 23$ 23$ ‐$ PET2930 Selected Topics in Physical Education ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ PGY1800C Digital Photography 25$ 25$ ‐$ PGY2401C Photography I 96$ 96$ ‐$ PGY2404C Photography II 96$ 96$ ‐$ PHY1007C Physics with Medical Applications 92$ 92$ ‐$ PHY2048C General Physics With Calculus I 73$ 73$ ‐$ PHY2048H General Physics With Calculus I 73$ 73$ ‐$ PHY2049C General Physics With Calculus II 70$ 70$ ‐$ PHY2049H General Physics With Calculus II 70$ 70$ ‐$ PHY2053C College Physics I with Algebra and Trigonometry 73$ 73$ ‐$ PHY2054C College Physics II with Algebra and Trigonometry 70$ 70$ ‐$ PLA1003C Introduction to Legal Practices and Ethics 31$ 31$ ‐$ PLA1730C Computer‐Assisted Legal Research 5$ 5$ ‐$ PLA2192C Legal Research and Theory III 31$ 31$ ‐$ PLA2465C Debtor‐Creditor/Bankruptcy 31$ 31$ ‐$ PLA2560C Insurance Case Management for Paralegals 31$ 31$ ‐$ PLA2601C Foundations of Wills, Trusts, and Estate Administration 31$ 31$ ‐$ PLA2732C Legal Technology 31$ 31$ ‐$ PLA2800C Family Law 31$ 31$ ‐$ PLP2001C Plant Pathology 82$ 82$ ‐$ PLS1010C Introduction to Plant Science 82$ 82$ ‐$ PLS2220C Plant Propagation 82$ 82$ ‐$ PLS2402C Principles of Aquaponics 82$ 82$ ‐$ RET1274L Respiratory Care Lab I 167$ 191$ (24)$ change in curriculum RET1874L Clinical Practice I 67$ 89$ (22)$ change in curriculum RET1875L Clinical Practice II 112$ 128$ (16)$ change in curriculum RET2283L Respiratory Care Lab II 112$ 118$ (6)$ change in curriculum RET2284L Respiratory Care Lab III 58$ 100$ (42)$ change in curriculum RET2876L Clinical Practice III 64$ 352$ (288)$ change in curriculum RET2877L Clinical Practice IV 110$ ‐$ 110$ change in curriculum, new course RET2920 Respiratory Care Practicum 130$ 130$ ‐$ RET4440C Cardiac Ultrasound I 20$ 20$ ‐$ RET4441C Cardiac Ultrasound II 20$ 20$ ‐$ RET4942L Cardiac Ultrasound Clinical Practice I 20$ 20$ ‐$ RET4943L Cardiac Ultrasound Clinical Practice II 20$ 20$ ‐$ RET4944L Cardiac Ultrasound Clinical Practice III 20$ 20$ ‐$ RTE1111C Patient Care in Radiography 22$ 22$ ‐$ RTE1418 Principles of Radiography I ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ RTE1503C Radiographic Procedures I 14$ 14$ ‐$ Page 14 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year RTE1513C Radiographic Procedures II 14$ 14$ ‐$ RTE1523C Radiographic Procedures III 14$ 14$ ‐$ RTE1804L Radiographic Clinical Education I 27$ 27$ ‐$ RTE1814L Radiographic Clinical Education II 25$ 25$ ‐$ RTE1824L Radiographic Clinical Ed III 30$ 30$ ‐$ RTE2834L Radiographic Clinical Education IV 25$ 25$ ‐$ RTE2844L Radiographic Clinical Education V 25$ 25$ ‐$ RTE4941L Practicum 6$ 6$ ‐$ RTE4942L CT Practicum ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ RTE4943L MRI Practicum ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ SON1000C Introduction to Medical Sonography ‐$ 44$ (44)$ replaced by SON1000L SON1000L Sonography Instructional Lab I 44$ ‐$ 44$ new course replacing SON1000C SON1001C Abdominal Sonography I ‐$ 4$ (4)$ replaced by SON1001L SON1001L Sonography Instructional Lab II 4$ ‐$ 4$ new course replacing SON1001C SON1002C Methods of Patient Care 12$ 12$ ‐$ SON1003L Sonography Practice Lab 11$ 11$ ‐$ SON1112C Abdominal Sonography II ‐$ 31$ (31)$ replaced by SON1112L SON1112L Sonography Instructional Lab III 31$ ‐$ 31$ new course replacing SON1112C SON1804L Clinical Sonography I 2$ 2$ ‐$ SON1814L Clinical Sonography II 2$ 2$ ‐$ SON2824L Clinical Sonography III 23$ 23$ ‐$ SON2834L Clinical Sonography IV 2$ 2$ ‐$ SON2882L Medical Sonography Clinical Practicum ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ SON3172C Introduction to Vascular Sonography ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ STA1001C Intro to Statistical Reasoning 61$ 61$ ‐$ SUR1101C Basic Surveying Measurements 40$ 40$ ‐$ SUR2202C Highway Drafting and Route Design 40$ 40$ ‐$ SUR2390C Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 40$ 40$ ‐$ SUR2460C Subdivisions 40$ 40$ ‐$ SUR2640C Advanced Surveying Computations (Surveying III) 40$ 40$ ‐$ SWS1530C Principles of Irrigation 82$ 82$ ‐$ SWS2102C Soils and Fertilizers 82$ 82$ ‐$ TAR1120C Architectural Drawing I 28$ 28$ ‐$ TAR2033C Architectural Design 28$ 28$ ‐$ TAR2170C Introduction to Architectural Revit ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ TAR2171C Advanced Architectural Revit ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ TAX2000C Federal Income Tax 33$ 33$ ‐$ TAX2002 Taxation Practices and Procedures 33$ 33$ ‐$ TAX2021 Taxation of Business Organizations 33$ 33$ ‐$ TPA1200C Basic Stagecraft 119$ 119$ ‐$ TPA1232C Costume Techniques and Wardrobe Practices 89$ 89$ ‐$ TPA1248C Makeup for the Stage 64$ 64$ ‐$ TPA2000C Creative Design for Theater 64$ 64$ ‐$ TPA2010C Foundations of Technical Design 99$ 99$ ‐$ TPA2030C Lighting Design for Live Entertainment 64$ 64$ ‐$ TPA2063C Principles of Scenery Design 69$ 69$ ‐$ TPA2190C Theater Design Practicum 80$ 80$ ‐$ TPA2220C Introduction to Stage Lighting 84$ 84$ ‐$ Page 15 of 16 Proposed Lab Fee Catalog Lab Fee Proposed Change from Course Course Title 2022‐23 2021‐22 2021‐22 Academic Year TPA2221C Intermediate Stage Lighting 120$ 120$ ‐$ TPA2222C Advanced Stage Lighting 137$ 137$ ‐$ TPA2252C Introduction to Audio Visual Technology 84$ 84$ ‐$ TPA2257C Audio Visual Production 103$ 103$ ‐$ TPA2260C Introduction to Audio Production 94$ 94$ ‐$ TPA2290C Technical Theater Production 119$ 119$ ‐$ TPA2292C Advanced Technical Production 114$ 114$ ‐$ TPA2343C Computer Assisted Drafting for the Entertainment Industry 64$ 64$ ‐$ TPA2358C Networking for Show Control 59$ 59$ ‐$ TPP2255 Opera and Music Theatre Workshop 125$ 125$ ‐$ VEC1201C Intro to Vegetable Gardening 82$ 82$ ‐$ Page 16 of 16