cs133 Lab Diary: Thomas Cowley CS133 Lab Diary - Thomas Cowley, u1807654 Toggle navigation Reflection Go to lab ReflectionLab 1Lab 2 Lab 3Lab 4Lab 5Lab 6 Lab 7 The labs followed are from the cs133 Professional Skills lab web pages, found here [1] The bootstrap framework has been used in the creation of this website. Please view this page in full width for an optimal experience. Test this website using the W3 Validation tool here. Note that the errors stem from the text encoding format used by the dcs webpages. Lab Diary Review Strong points of the material Lab 1 was a personal strong point of the lab material. Due to my use of UNIX based systems in my personal time (such as Mac OS and the Fedora distribution of Linux), I felt confident with the use of the terminal, and therefore this lab’s commands. Lab 1 also demonstrates how to connect to the DCS machines remotely via ssh. This allowed me to set up an aliased connection allowing for quick access to the DCS machines. I also set up SSH key authentication for password-less access. I found the labs exploring bash scripting to be a strong point of the material. Learning how to construct functions and conditional logic has allowed me to achieve more, for example: within my bashrc files, some workflows are now aliased to functions performing multiple commands at once. I have written a small message generating program for when a terminal window is opened and incorporated this within my DCS account and personal bashrc files. The program scales to the terminal window’s width, and can be found hosted on my GitHub here [3]. I have particularly enjoyed lab 6 focussing on LaTeX. Due to my use of LaTex in the cs130 problem sets, along with the basics being covered in lab 6, I feel that this was another personal strong point of the §material. Weak points of the material and how I plan to address them Regular expressions are difficult and I felt like it was not explored enough in labs. I will action this by exploring supplementary material in my personal time. I would also like to explore version control in greater detail. I do not have experience with managing merge collisions, and so to action this I will study the 'Resolving Conflicts' section of the githowto.com online tutorial [23]. I also wish to incorporate version control in upcoming coursework and projects as I am not utilizing this key component of software development. While I have made good use of LaTeX for presentations and problem sheets, I am yet to use its extension BibTeX. Due to the advantages BibTeX brings, such as more scalable and formal referencing, I will action this by including the extension in my upcoming joint project paper for cs132 (computer organisation and architecture.) How the understanding of technical material links with wider material in the degree Lab1, The Linux Essentials lab, has been extremely helpful across almost every module due to its applications in the DCS machines. One particular module in which this has been helpful is cs140, computer security, wherein we have to assess security vulnerabilities in virtual machines and apache web servers. It has also deemed useful for my personal machines, as they are derivatives of UNIX (MacOS and Linux). Learning how permissions in UNIX based systems works has been essential to ensuring my files have the correct permissions for maximum security. For example, my web diary that is contained within the \sim/public_html/ directory must be configured correctly so that the web server has the correct access rights. Lab 1 led to the creation of this lab diary, the skills from which will be important in my later professional life through the need of continued professional development (CPD), wherein the skills, knowledge and experience I gain are tracked and documented. Lab 2 provided me with a sufficient introduction to version control using git. Version control has, and will continue to be crucial for the development of coursework, and projects across all modules in the degree due to the revision of documents and development of additional functionality within programs or projects. Learning about web standards compliance in Lab 2 should be helpful in term 2’s optional module cs139, web development. This will ensure that web pages I develop can be interacted with and displayed correctly across a range of web browsers. Lab 3, 4, and 5 all explored bash scripting, which has been very useful to my working efficiency on UNIX based machines. It has allowed me to explore powerful commands and program small scripts to simplify workflows: for example, in cs130 when making the maths problem sheets I made a bash script to open the LaTeX file in VS code, compile the LaTeX to a pdf and then open this pdf in my pdf viewer. Lab 4 introduced me to regular expressions, which is an incredibly convenient tool for developers to learn as it can simplify many large scale operations with matching patterns. While I am yet to find a practical application within the degree so far, I am confident that this skill will deem useful in later modules. The introduction to LaTeX has been paramount to the problem sheets and coursework across most modules, including mathematics problem sheets and the coursework for organisation and architecture. LaTeX has become my go-to for the production of professional papers and presentations due to its clean formatting and extensive functionality through its package system. BibTeX was explored as an extension to LaTeX in Lab 7 allowing for references to be kept separately in a bib file. This allows for scalable and more formal referencing and so I expect to use this extension when completing the group project report for cs132: computer organisation and architecture. This should also deem to be useful later in the degree when larger and more formal research reports are made. References [1] University of Warwick CS133 Labs: warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/dcs/teaching/material/cs133/term1/labs [2] My DCS Online Lab Diary: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/â¼u1807654/cs133/ [3] Terminal message formatter: github.com/thomas-cowley/terminal-message-formatter [4] Difference between git rm âcached and git reset HEAD stackoverflow.com/questions/5798930/git-rm-cached-x-vs-git-reset-head-x [5] W3C Open Web Standards: w3.org/standards/ [6] W3C Markup Validation Scheme: validator.w3.org [7] Lab2’s markup compliant html file: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab2/lab2-content.html [8] Linux ps manual page: man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/ps.1.html [9] Two argument test script: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab3/two-arguments-test [10] Iterative solution to Fibonacci search: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab4/fibonacci [11] Folder stats 1 Program: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab5/folder-stats-1 [12] Permissions Program: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab5/folder-stats-2 [13] LaTeX two column pdf document: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab6/61-twoColumns.pdf [14] LaTeX two column latex .tex document: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab6/61-twoColumns.tex [15] LaTeX figures and lists pdf document: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab6/62-lists-and-figures.pdf [16] LaTeX figures and lists latex tex file: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab6/62-lists-and-figures.tex [17] LaTeX algorithm pdf document: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab6/63-algorithm.pdf [18] LaTeX algorithm latex file: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab6/63-algorithm.tex [19] Bash script for compiling BibTex files: dcs.warwick.ac.uk/â¼u1807654/cs133/lab7/bib [20] LaTeX citing from Bibliography pdf document: warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab7/71-citingFromBib.pdf [21] LaTeX citing from Bibliography latex tex file: warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab7/71-citingFromBib.tex [22] LaTeX citing from Bibliography pdf document: warwick.ac.uk/ u1807654/cs133/lab7/bibliography.bib [23] githowto’s Resolving Conflicts section: githowto.com/resolving_conflicts [24] StackOverflow: Why while(true) in Java causes 100% CPU utilization: stackoverflow.com/questions/54598146/why-will-while-true-use-100-of-cpu-resources/54598278