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CSE 142, Summer 2022: Home CSE 142, Summer 2022 Home Home Calendar Assessments Resources Staff Syllabus COVID-19 Info Ed Attention! This website is in open beta, but is still under development. All content, including course policies, requirements, and schedules, is subject to change. CSE 142, Summer 2022: Home Welcome to Intro. to Computer Programming I! To learn more about the policies and structure for this class, please check the course syllabus Feedback is always welcome! You can contact the course staff or submit anonymous feedback. Announcements July 20th: Welcome to CSE 142! Welcome to CSE 142 for Summer 2022! We are so excited to have you in the class. See the Ed announcement below for details about the first day of the quarter (optional lab Tuesday 6/21) and our first lecture (Wednesday 6/22). View Full Announcement on Ed This Week Week 1: Welcome!; Introduction to Java; Printing; Static Methods, Expressions, Variables Mon, Jun 20 University Holiday - Juneteenth (observed) Tue, Jun 21 Lab 1 Java basics; println Wed, Jun 22 Lesson 1 Welcome; Course policies; Hello World program BJP 1.1-1.3 Hello, world slides (ppt) Hello, world slides (pdf) Checkpoint 1 released Assessment 1 released Thu, Jun 23 Section 1 Intro to Java; resources; static methods Fri, Jun 24 Lesson 2 escape sequences; static methods Students will be able to... write a simple Java program that produces console output using System.out.println recognize and correct structural redundancy define and call static void methods BJP 1.4-1.5 static method slides (ppt) static method slides (pdf) Checkpoint 1 due (Sat, Jul 25)