Lab 1 Slides
# SSUI Mobile Lab (Spring 2020)
## Week 1: Java Refresher
![Android Logo](java/android-logo.png)
# Quick Java Refresher
## What is Java?
- Strongly, statically typed language
- Every variable has a type
- This type is decided at compile time (mostly)
- Compiled, class-based, Object-oriented
- Platform agnostic
- __Write once__, _run anywhere_ without recompilation
- Especially useful for Android
## Java Basics: Primitive Types
- Boolean
boolean hasClassStarted = true;
boolean isClassOver = false;
- Integer
int numStudents = rand.nextInt(30);
- Float
float gradePointAverage = 3.2f;
- Double
- Higher precision than float
double examScore = 97.362;
- Byte, Short, etc.
## Java Basics: Text
- Characters
char section = 'B';
- Strings
String instructor = "Jennifer Mankoff";
All non-primitives types inherit from `Object` class
- Including `String`; note the capitalization
## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
public final String COURSE = "CSE 340";
private final String SSN = "123-45-6789";
- `private`
- Kept secret, can only be read/written by `self`
- Cannot be accessed by subclasses
- `package private`
- This is the default access if no modifier is specified
- Accessible by all classes in the same package.
- `protected`
- Access restricted to `self`, subclasses, and package
- `public`
- The world can read/write (fields) or call (methods)
## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
- Generally, you want to be as restrictive as possible
- Usually, this means `private`
- Create getter/setter methods to modify the member variables
- .red[__Almost never use__ `public`] for fields
- Except for constants
## Java Basics: `final`
- Prevent value from changing after initialization
final double courseGrade = 95.0; // local variable cannot be modified ever!
- Prevent subclassing
public final class Person {
// can't subclass (for example to make a Student class)
// ...
- Prevent overriding
public final int getValue() { // can't override!
return 0;
## Java Basics: `static`
- Use for constants or variables are shared by all instances of a particular class
final static double SALES_TAX_RATE = 0.07; // Class Constant (never changes)
static double mTotalAmount = 3.56; // Class variable can change
- Methods that can be called without an class instance (instantiating an object)
static String toString(int i);
// For example Integer.toString(100) => "100";
# Naming Conventions
- class names are PascalCased
- local variables and method names are camelCased
- class or instance variables begin with a 'm' (for member), such as mTotalAmount
- constants are UPPER_SNAKE_CASED
## Java Basics: Methods
- Methods in Java typically follow this format:
{visibility} [static] [final] returnType methodName(paramType paramName, ...) {
// ...
- `static` and `final` are optional, special modifiers
- `visibility` is one of `public`, `private`, `protected`, or empty for package private
## Java Basics: Method Example
Summing two numbers and returning the answer as a string
public String getSumOfTwoNumbersAsString(int first, int second) {
int sum = first + second;
return Integer.toString(sum); // could also return "" + sum
## Java Basics: Declaring a class
{visibility} class ClassName {
// Field declarations
// Method definitions
## Java Basics: Constructing a Class
public class Student {
// Class (static) variables -
public static final String STUDENT_KEY = "STUDENT";
private static final String ID_PREFIX = "S";
// Instance Variables
private String mIdNumber;
private String mName;
// Constructors - used to create an instance
Student(String name, String idNumber) { = mName;
this.idNumber = mIdNumber;
// Methods
public String getPrefixedIdNumber() {
return ID_PREFIX + mIdNumber;
## Java Basics: Constructing a Class cont.
// Getter
public String getName() {
return mName;
// Setter
public void setName(String newName) {
if (newName == null || newName == "") {
newName = "Unknown";
mName = newName;
// ... etc.
# Enums
An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constant
public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, OUTSIDE };
EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
# Switch Statements
A form of a conditional with different execution paths
public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, ON_EDGE, OUTSIDE };
EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
switch (where) {
case ON_EDGE:
// do the edgy things
case INSIDE:
// do the inside things but also fall through
// and do the OUTSIDE things because no break statement;
// do the outside things
// do default things
// automatically falls through
## More Java Resources
- Java Documentation (
- __Online Java Practice Problems__:
3/30/20 © Lauren Bricker, University of Washington