PP - schedule PP SCHEDULE (2020 Spring draft) subject to later modifications student dropbox, register, marks, submit, consultation hours student communication board - find your project partner Text highlight in this color refers to graphical content. Bulletin Register Submit Marks Logout *: tutor's selections lecture classes tutorial classes registered passwords not enrolled in tuts in tuts but not in lectures ! edit namelist ! edit quiz access ! edit forum posts ! super quizzes edit in-class notepad ID more columns in landscape mode Wk Date Topics or Class Activities Student Activities Chapters bulletin, learning guide, assignment 1, assignment 2, LG companion 1 - Software and hardware, storage, CPU; binary number; identifiers; simplest Java program, workflow program development ( ch1 ) selected slides: excerpt1.pdf Form groups of 2 people for group study and for the final project; create simplest Java programs with a simple text editor 1 [ch1], study notes 2 - Character strings; variables and assignments; primitive data types; expressions; data conversion; object-oriented programming; interactive programs; Graphics, applets, drawing shapes ( ch2 ) selected slides: excerpt2.pdf Write simple Java programs and familiarise with the basic programming ingredients; create Java programs with simple IO; create primitive data and objects 2 [ch2], study notes 3 - Create objects, String class; selected utility classes; enumerated types, wrapper classes; components and containers; images ( ch3 ) selected slides: excerpt3.pdf Manipulate strings, generate random numbers, conduct textual IO via Scanner class, display nested panels 3 [ch3], study notes 4 - Anatomy of a class and a method within a class; class extension, scope and visibility, constructors ( ch4 ) selected slides: excerpt4.pdf Build Java programs with several classes and class extension; use modifier public and private properly; create simple graphics as an applet or application ** sample test process 4 [ch4] study notes sample test1 5 - Basic selection and if-statement, Boolean expressions; basic flow chart and pseudo code; simple use of NetBeans IDE ( chp5 ) selected slides: excerpt5.pdf Test 1 (Coding and written work) ** start your Test here ** Experiment with the use of if-statements in Java programs; consolidate the topics in the previous weeks; practise the use of NetBeans IDE or ATOM 1-4 study notes 6 - More on if-statement, simple while-loops, comparing data and objects ( chp5 ) selected slides: excerpt5-2.pdf Use selections and while loops in Java programs; logical operations, block statements 5 [ch05] study notes 7 - switch-statements, do-loops, for-loops; iterators and ArrayList ( ch6 ) selected slides: excerpt6.pdf Practical Exercises (Assignment 1) due Create elaborate selections; make use of different loop constructs; use of ArrayList; read/write a file; draw simple flowcharts 6 [ch06] study notes 8 - Consolidate the relatively competitive topics from the previous weeks; more GUI applications ( ch6 ) Test 2 (Coding and written work) ** start your Test here ** Review selected topics in the previous weeks; complete more examples and programming exercises ** test 2 cover page 5-6 study notes 9 - Program testing and debugging; static variable and methods; method overloading; class relationships, interfaces ( ch7 ) selected slides: excerpt7.pdf, excerpt7-animation.ppt Identify classes and objects; create applications using multiple classes or interfaces; conduct proper program testing 7 [ch07] study notes 10 - Declaring and using arrays; arrays of objects; parameter list of variable length; mouse events and key events ( ch8 ) selected slides: excerpt8.pdf Declare and initalise arrays; access command line parameters; use arrays in text-based and GUI based applications; add event listeners 8 [ch08] study notes 11 - INTRA-SESSION BREAK 12 - Inheritance, polymorphism, overriding methods; exception handling; the try-catch statement ( ch9, ch10, ch11 ) selected slides: excerpt9-11.pdf Monday is Labour Day Create subclasses, catch exceptions; continue with the final project These are advanced concepts and techniques for students to write more versatile and robust programs. 9,10,11 [ch09], [ch10], [ch11] study notes 13 - Consolidate on Inheritance, polymorphism, overriding methods; exception handling; the try-catch statement ( ch9, ch10, ch11 ) selected slides: excerpt9-11.pdf Test 3 (MCQs, coding and written work) ** start your Test here ** Work on the final project; last batch of miscellaneous programming techniques 3MT.pptx ** test 3 cover page 9,10,11 [ch09], [ch10], [ch11] study notes 14 - Group Project Presentations about 5-8 minutes for each group, depending on the total available time (presentation compulsory) (Assignment 2 due this Wednesday) Conduct the project presentation, and attend other students' presentations