WISC Assembler WISC Assembler Instruction Set Summary is found on cs552 web page at ~cs552-2/Project/instruction_specification_fa03.html A compiler for C-- high level language can be found at compiler.html. An emulator for WISC can be found at emulator.html. News Sunday Oct 19, 2003 - Update assembler to make trap a pseudo-instruction. Monday May 5, 2003 - Added write instructions and fixed shift/reduce conflict in grammar. Tuesday April 22, 2003 - Added lw and sw pseudo-mnemonics Saturday April 6, 2003 - Fixed range checking for immediate values. Wednesday April 2, 2003 - Changed command line params and added support for 0x13fa constants. Sunday March 31, 2003 - Added the move and ld, st pseudo-instructions Thursday March 27, 2003 - Initial release wisc-assembler.tar.gz Instruction Mapping Registers are specified as $[0-7]. Register aliases are ($sp, $fp, $t0, $t1, $v0, $v1, none, $ra) map to ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) respectivly. The syntax for the assembler is almost identical to the MIPS RISC assembly syntax with the same pseudo-instructions. Most of the instructions map directly from WISC with a few exceptions. All the immediate instructions (addi, subi, etc.) have the same memonic as the register instruction (add, sub, etc.). So the assembly instruction "add $3, $2, $5" uses the add instruction (opcode = 01000) and "add $3, $2, 14" uses the addi instruction (opcode = 10000). The assembler also chooses the correct WISC load/store instruction from the input format. There is one load instruction (mnemonic = ld or lw), one store instruction (mnemonic = st or sw), and one load immediate instruction (mnemonic = li). Assembler Instruction WISC Instruction ld $4, -3($2) LDI $4, $2, -3 (opcode = 11010) lw $4, $2 LDI $4, $2, 0 (opcode = 11010) ld $4, $2, $3 LD $4, $2, $3 (opcode = 01010) st $4, 5($2) STI $4, $2, 5 (opcode = 11011) sw $4, $2 STI $4, $2, 0 (opcode = 11011) st $4, $2, $3 ST $4, $2, $3 (opcode = 01011) li $4, 4021 LUI $4, (upper 16 bits = 0f) LLI $4, (lower 16 bits = b5) ld+ $4, 5($2) LD+ $4, $2, 5 lw+ $4, $2 LD+ $4, $2, 0 Any instruction can be prefixed with a label in the same format as MIPS (ex. "loop: beqz $4, end_loop"). And then all the branches, the j, and jal instructions take as a last argument a label to branch to. All the zero branch instructions from WISC are avaliable (beqz, bltz, blez, bnez, bdne) Pseudo-Instructions The assembler provides a bunch of useful instructions that are not WISC instructions. li $4, 12213 - expands to the lli and lui instructions. move $2, $5 - exapnds to "addi $2, $5, 0" beq $2, $5, loop_end - expands to "sub $6, $2, $5; beqz $6, loop_end" la $4, x - loads the address of x (which must be declared somewhere in the .data section) into $4, expands to "li $4 (addr)". ld $4, x - loads the content of x into $4, expands to a "la $4, x; ld $4, 0($4)" which expands to three instructions (lui, lli, ld). st $4, x - stores $4 into x, expands to "la $6, x; st $4, 0($6)". trap - jump to address zero. expands to "lui $7, 0; ret" The branches and the st pseudo-instructions need register $6 to synthesize so don't keep a value you need in $6 when using them. Along with beq all the normal comparisons (beq, blt, bgt, ble, bge, bne) are avaliable. Each pseudo-branch takes two registers and a label as operands. These are implemented by two instructions, first the two registers are subtracted and the result is stored in register 6 and then register 6 is compared to zero. The bgt and bge switch the order of subtraction and then use bltz and blez. Out of all MIPS branches, the only two missing are bgtz and bgez becuase they don't have simple mappings to the WISC instructions. Data Data space is declared like so
a: .space 1 #declares a as one word space
x: .space 4 #declares x as four word space
y: .space 3 #declares y as three word space
z: .word 0x4A21 #declares z as a word, with initial value 0x4A21
t: .word 143 #declares t as a word, with initial value 143
str: .asciiz "This is cool.\"\n\tWith a \'second\' line even\\"
str1: .asciiz "Hi"
str2: .asciiz ""
(lots of instructions)...
r: .space 1
num: .word 15
(more instructions)...
With the two compiler directives .text and .data switching between declaring instructions and data. The layout of memory is first all the instructions and then after that the static data area. I suggest when using the stack you initialize $sp to FFFF and grow the stack down from the top of memory to avoid running over the instructions and data. Compiling and running the assembler The # marks a comment, which is from the # to the end of a line. The first instruction (at address 0000) is generated by the assembler and is a jump instruction to the main label. Every input file must have one main label which is where the execution will start. In load immediate instructions, the immediate can be specified in hexadecimal as 0x43FA and the hex value is the bit pattern to load into the register. The immediate can also be specified as an integer with an optional minus sign, in which case the value of that integer is loaded into the register. Immediates in other instructions (like addi) can only be specified in decimal with optional minus sign. Assembler cointains 5 test programs; test.s contains every instruction and is meant to test the assembler, alu.s tests every alu instruction, branch.s tests all the branch instructions, testCache.s tests the cache, and stack.s tests simple stack manupulations. Note these test programs do not take advantage of the WRint and WRch instructions. parseOut.pl is a script that parses the memory dumps. To compile the assembler run the following commands at a shell
% cd ~
% tar xvzf wisc-assembler.tar.gz
% cd wisc-assembler
% make
And to run the assembler...
% ~/wisc-assembler/wiscas
In the CS computer labs, you can optionally add wiscas to your ~/bin directory
% cp ~/wisc-assembler/wiscas ~/bin
% cd ~/path/to/552/stuff
% wiscas
The assembler will produce two files, a variable and instruction helper file (.help) and a file with the memory to load into the simulator (.mem). The help file is a helper for debugging: it contains a lists every variable and its address and then a list of every instruction address and the coorisponding line number in the source file. Comments, bugs, etc can be mailed to jelenz@wisc.edu Last Updated: Sunday Oct 19, 2003