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IC CPU History CPU History IBM PC CPU High lights are displayed in a list here, also you can find links to useful reference sites, and other CPU types here. Also there is a glossary of terms here. CPU History CPU Model First Seen Date Manufacture Speed In MHz Max Speed in MHz Bus Width Typical Socket Style Aprox Transistor Count Comments 4004 1971 Intel 0.74 4 16 pin dip 2,250 Internal Diagram of the CPU 8008 1972 Intel 0.2 8 18 pin dip 3,500 6502 apr 1974 Intel 2 8 40 pin dip 5,000 Typical machines with this CPU 6800 1975 Motorola 1 8 40 pin dip 6,800 Typical machines with this CPU 8080 1975 Intel 2 3 8 40 pin dip 4,500 Typical machines with this CPU z80 July 1976 Zilog 2.5 12 8 40 pin dip abt 6000 Typical machines with this CPU 8085 1976 Intel 3 6 8 40 pin dip 6,200 1802 1976 RCA 2 8 8 40 pin dip 5,500 Applications with this CPU TMS9900 1976 Texus 3.3 16 64 pin DIP 8,000 Applications with this CPU 8086 Jun 1978 Intel 5 12 16 40 pin dip 29,000 Typical machines with this CPU 8088 Jun 1979 Intel 4 12 8 or 16 40 pin dip 29,000 68000 sept 1979 Motorola 16 68,000 Typical machines with this CPU TMS99000 1981 Texus 25 16 80286 Feb 1982 Intel 8 25 16 68 pin dip 134,000 80186 1983 Intel 6 16 16 40 pin dip V20 Mar 1984 NEC 8 16 16 40 pin dip 63,000 ARM1 1985 Acorn 32 25,000 Typical machines with this CPU 68020 1985 Motorola 25 32 270,000 64180 1985 Hitachi 12.5 8 64 Pin Superset of the z80 386DX Oct 1985 Intel 16 40 32 132 pin PGA 275,000 MIPS R2000 1986 MIPS Technologies 32 110,000 Typical machines with this CPU ARM2 1987 Arcorn 8 32 25,000 AMD 29000 1987 AMD 25 32 MIPS R3000 1988 MIPS Technologies 40 32 150,000 386SX Jan 1989 Intel 20 40 16 or 32 132 pin PGA 275,000 ARM3 1989 Acorn 25 32 300,000 68040 1989 Motorola 25 66 32 1,200,000 SparcCY7C601 1990? Sun 40 32 1,800,000 First Sparc CPU Typical machines with this CPU Alpha 21064 1992 DEC 100 300 64 1,680,000 Typical machines with this CPU MIPS R4000 1992 MIPS Technologies 100 64 1,100,000 486DCL Jun 1992 Cyrix 33 32 132 pin PGA 600,000 486SX Sept 1992 Intel 33 32 168 pin PGA 1,200,000 486DX May 1990 Intel 33 50 32 168 pin PGA 1,200,000 486SLC Dec 1992 IBM 66 16 or 32 100-pin QFP 1,350,000 486DX2/66 Aug 1992 Intel (33)66 (40)80 32 168-pin PGA 1,200,000 Arm 610 1993 ARM Ltd 25 32 360,000 Not the very first PPC601 1993 IBM 50 120 32 2,800,000 Power PC Typical machines with this CPU Pentium 60 Mar 1993 Intel 60 32 Socket 4: 273-pin PGA 3,100,000 486DX4/100 mar 1994 Intel (33)100 (40)120 32 168-pin PGA 1,600,000 Pentium 66 Mar 1993 Intel 66 32 Socket 4: 273-pin PGA 3,100,000 MIPS R4600 1994 MIPS Technologies 150 64 1,850,000 SGI Indy Machine Arm 710 1994 ARM Ltd 33 32 540,000 Sparc Hyper Ross 1994 Sun 72 32 1,700,000 Pentium 75 sept 1994 Intel 75 32 Socket 7 3,300,000 Cyrix 5X86 Aug 1995 IBM (33)/100 (40)/120 32 168-pin PGA 2,000,000 5X86 Nov 1995 AMD (33)/133 32 168-pin PGA 1,600,000 Pentium 90 Mar 1994 Intel (66)/90 32 Socket 7 3,100,000 AMD-K5-90 Mar 1996 AMD (60)/90 (66)/100 32 Socket 7 4,300,000 Pentium 100 Mar 1994 Intel (66)/100 32 Socket 7 3,100,000 Nx586-133 Dec 1994 NexGen 133 32 Proprietary 3,500,000 Sparc Ultra 1 1995 Sun 167 64 5,200,000 Cyrix 6x86-120 Dec 1995 IBM (50)/100 32 Socket 7 3,300,000 Pentium 120 Mar 1995 Intel (60)/120 (60)/150 32 Socket 7 3,300,000 FAN AMD K5-120 1996 AMD (60)/90 (66)/100 32 Socket 7 4,300,000 Pentium 133 Jun 1995 Intel (66)/133 32 Socket 7 3,300,000 Mile Stone Cyrix 6x86-133 Feb 1996 IBM (55)/110 (60)/120 32 Socket 7 3,300,000 Pentium Pro 200 Nov 1995 Intel (66)/200 32 Socket 8 5,500,000 Mile Stone MIPS R5000 1996 MIPS Technologies 180 250 64 3,600,000 MIPS R10000 1996 MIPS Technologies 180 275 64 6,800,000 PPC620 1996 IBM 133 200 64 7,000,000 Power PC Alpha 21164PS 1997 DEC 400 600 64 3,500,000 Arm SA-1100 1997 Arm Ltd 133 200 2,500,000 Sun Ultra II 1997 Sun 250 450 64 5,400,000 Pentium MMX-166 Jan 1997 Intel (66)/166 (66)/233 32 Socket 7 4,400,000 AMD K6-166 Mar 1997 AMD-NexGen merger (66)/166 (66)/200 32 Socket 7 8,800,000 Cyrix IBM 6x86MX-166 May 1997 IBM (60)/150 (66)/133 32 Socket 7 6,600,000 Intel Celeron 266 Apr 1998 Intel (66)/266 (66)/300 32 Slot 1 7,500,000 Worst Ever IDT C6-200 Dec 1997 IDT, IBM (66)/200 32 Socket 7 5,400,000 Intel Pentium II-233 Jan 1997 Intel (66)/233 (66)/300 32 Slot 1 7,500,000 K6-2/266 Apr 1998 AMD (66)/266 32 Socket 7 9,300,000 Cyrix M-II 266 & IBM 6x86MX-266 Apr 1998 IBM (83)/208 32 Socket 7 6,600,000 Cyrix M II-300 Apr 1998 IBM, National Semiconductor (75)/225 32 Socket 7 6,600,000 Intel Celeron 300A Aug 1998 Intel (66)/300 32 Slot 1 7,500,000 AMD K6-2/300 Apr 1998 AMD (100)/300 (95)/333 32 Super 7 9,300,000 Cyrix MII 366 Apr 1999 National Semiconductor (100)/250 32 Super 7 6,600,000 Intel Pentium II 333 Jan 1998 Intel (66)/333 (100)/400 32 Slot 1 7,500,000 Intel Celeron 400 Feb 1999 Intel (66)/400 (66)/466 32 Socket 370 19,000,000 AMD K6-2/400 Apr 1998 AMD (100)/400 32 Super 7 9,300,000 Cyrix MII 466 Sept 1999 Cyrix (95)/333 32 Socket 7 6,600,000 Still Born (End of Cyrex) AMD K6-2/450 Feb 1999 AMD (100)/450 (95)/475 32 Super 7 9,300,000 Pentium-III 450 May 1999 Intel (100)/450 32 Slot 1 9,500,000 First P3 VIA Cyrix III Jun 2000 VIA/NatSemi (100)/500 32 Socket 370 11,200,000 Intel Celeron 500 Aug 1999 Intel (66)/500 32 Socket 370 19,000,000 AMD K6-2/500 Aug 1999 AMD (100)/500 32 Super 7 9,300,000 AMD Athlon 500 Aug 1999 AMD (200)/500 (200)/800 32 Slot A 22,000,000 Alpha 21364 2000 DEC ? 1000 64 100,000,000 Sun Ultra III 2000 Sun 600 900 64 PPC630 2000 IBM 440 64 6,350,000 Intel Pentium-III 550 "Coppermine" Mar 2000 Intel (100)/550 (133)/733 32 Slot 1 & Socket 370 28,100,000 AMD Duron 600 Jul 2000 AMD (200)/600 (200)/700 32 Socket A 25,000,000 Entry Level AMD Athlon Thunderbird 700 Jun 2000 AMD (200)/700 (200)/800 32 Slot A or Socket A 37,000,000 Intel Pentium-III 800 Aug 2000 Intel (100)/800 (100)/1000 32 Slot 1 28,100,000 Pentium 4 1400 Nov 2000 Intel (400)/1400 (400)/1500 32 Socket 423 42,000,000 AMD Athlon Classic 900 Mar 2000 AMD (200)/900 (200)/1000 32 Slot A 22,000,000 AMD Duron 1000 Aug 2001 AMD (200)/1000 32 Socket A 25,200,000 AMD Athlon Thunderbird 900 Jun 2000 AMD (200)/900 (266)/1200 32 Socket A 37,000,000 Xeon PIII Mar 2001 Intel (100)/900 32 28,000,000 Intel Pentium-III 1.13 "Tualatin" Jul 2001 Intel (133)/1133 32 Socket 370 44,000,000 AMD Athlon XP 1500+ Oct 2001 AMD (266)/1333 (266)/1533 32 Socket A 37,500,000 Pentium 4 2000 Nov 2000 Intel (400)/2000 32 Socket 478 42,000,000 Xeon Sep 2001 Intel (400)/2000 32 42,000,000 Xeon Sep 2002 Intel (400)/2800 32 55,000,000 Xeon Oct 2003 Intel (533)/3060 32 178,000,000 P4 Aug 2002 Intel (533)/2800 32 55,000,000 Last Basic P4 P4 With Hyper Threding Apr 2003 Intel (800)/3000 32 55,000,000 New Hyper Threded Core Athlon64 2800 2004 AMD 1800 64 754 105,900,000 Athlon64 3000 2005 AMD 1800 2800 64 939 105,900,000 P4 Extreme Feb 2005 Intel (1066)/3730 32 169,000,000 Athlon64 3200 2006 AMD 1800 2800 64 AM2 227,000,000 Dual Core Intel Core 2 Duo 2006 Intel (1066)2800 64 Socket 775 291,000,000 Dual Core Xeon 7100 series 2006 Intel (1066)3400 64 Socket LGA-771 1.3 billion Aprox Quad & Dual Core